It is impossible to train a small child to sit quietly, for example, but it is crucial for breeders to send their dogs to bed whenever they need to, as this will allow them to cook dinner or spend time with guests without worrying about their dog bothering them. In this article, Animaux DMS will go over every aspect of training dogs to go to a specific location.
The dogs are trained and sent to their place; A great way to deal with behaviors such as jumping on guests or begging over the table. Instead of trying to stop the dog from doing these annoying behaviors, train him to go to his place. as an alternative response, through the following steps.
Encourage your dog to climb into the crib, by taking a big step towards it, or by holding a treat on top of it.
When your dog gets on the crib, praise him and give him a treat, then say “Free” release him from the bed, and invite him to leave.
After the dog has mastered the gesture; This will become your gesture. Start by saying a place first and then take a step towards the crib.
Praise the dog every time he sits on the crib, give him a treat, and encourage him to get out of it.
It is important to say free before you get out of bed or encourage him to get out of bed. Gradually reduce the gesture until you eliminate it, you can say where or no movement, and your dog will jump on the crib. Start with a big step toward the bed, shorten your step until it’s barely noticeable, and then eliminate that step.

Ways to help dogs with learning difficulties
A specialist in the behavior of pet dogs confirms that most of them are food-motivated, and if this is not the case, he suggests that you schedule a training date just before the time to eat so that he feels hungry. It is also recommended that the training session take place when energy levels are high. Don’t take your dog for a long jog or exercise outside, and then try to train him on the spot when he’s tired. Be patient, in case the dog cannot perceive a particular step; Go back to the previous step.
How do you help a dog to love his place?
If the dog sees it as punishment, you will find it difficult to convince them to stay there, instead; Convince them that their place is a great place to be, using positive coaching and high-value rewards.
You can also put the dog’s favorite items inside, such as chewing bones or a set of new toys, as you can put them above the bed or the mat, that is, try as much as possible to make the place; A happy place for a dog.
Thank you for following this article and I wish good luck to all