How is toothache diagnosed and treated in cats?

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By Orkutjunks

If you have owned a cat at home for a while, you often encounter the problem of toothache in cats. More than 70% of cats suffer from this condition at least once by their third year.

Like humans, dental diseases such as gingivitis, broken teeth, oral tumors, and abscesses occur naturally in cats. Of course, this is accompanied by a group of disturbing symptoms, the most common of which is severe pain, so how can you help your cat relieve the feeling of toothache?

How do you know that your cat has a toothache?

Toothache in cats may appear in a variety of manifestations, and it depends on the severity of the pain, the cat’s pain threshold, and whether or not it is hypersensitive. Do not be surprised that in some cases the affected cat may not show external signs of pain, and the condition is revealed only when the veterinarian uses a dental probe that presses around the root of the tooth.

To help distinguish toothache in your cat, here are the most prominent symptoms and signs that appear in cats suffering from toothache:

  • Decreased interest in eating dry food.
  • Chewing is slower than usual.
  • When chewing, food comes out of the mouth.
  • Excessive salivation
  • She was scratching her mouth.
  • Excessive agitation of the cat when touching its face or mouth.
  • Bad breath.

Can a cat die of dental disease?

Dental diseases in cats rarely lead to their death, but in rare cases, if the cat suffers from tooth decay, the infection can spread to other parts of the body and cause sepsis. Since the liver and kidneys are the most important blood-filtering organs in the body, they are often the most affected secondary to severe dental caries and sepsis. Damage to these organs is what may lead to the death of the cat.

What is the best treatment for cats suffering from toothache?

The only effective treatment for toothache in cats is to diagnose the dental problem that caused the pain and treat it properly, and until that time it is recommended to use pain relievers that help relieve the severity of the pain for a short period, but the painkillers are not a permanent solution, as the pain will return when the effect of the analgesic goes away. while addressing the underlying problem.

To treat the pain permanently, the condition must be diagnosed and the underlying cause of the toothache determined. The veterinarian comprehensively assesses the cat’s health and conducts appropriate laboratory and chemical tests and white blood cell counts in search of any infection.

He also performs a dental x-ray that allows the evaluation of the roots of the teeth and the problems that may occur under the gums, which the doctor cannot identify with the naked eye.

Once the teeth are evaluated, the veterinarian will develop a treatment plan that may include extraction of the affected tooth or some advanced procedures such as drilling and cleaning the root canal of the tooth depending on the diagnosis, in addition to prescribing antibiotics and painkillers when needed.

Natural ways to treat toothache in cats

Watching your cat complain in pain is a heartbreaking experience that can make you feel helpless not knowing how to calm her down. Naturally, the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of management is medications, but there are many other natural, alternative ways to relieve pain, which can be taken either on its own or in conjunction with painkillers.

Some nutritional supplements such as omega fatty acids and glucosamine can be used, and heat and ice can also be applied alternately to the gums near the site of pain. On the other hand, massage therapy and acupuncture can be very helpful when treating a cat’s toothache.

Prevention of toothache in cats

The best way to prevent toothache in cats is to ensure that the cat receives regular dental care, both at home and at the veterinary clinic. Good care of the cat’s teeth at home is manifested by brushing his teeth daily. The aim is to remove the layer of plaque, accumulated food particles, and pathogenic factors that may grow on the teeth. Once the plaque remains in contact with the teeth for about 24 hours, it begins to harden and turn into tartar. Hence the importance of daily cleaning.

If you fight daily with your cat when it’s time to brush, you can replace that by rinsing the mouth with a special antiseptic solution or having the cat chew on a substance that cleans the oral cavity and promotes oral health.

cat toothache treatment home remedy for cat tooth pain cat toothache home remedy cat tooth pain relief toothache in cats

Regular dental care for cats in the veterinarian’s office means regular visits to the clinic even in the absence of dental symptoms to check on the cat’s oral health. It is also recommended to do “teeth cleaning under anesthesia” once a year for small cats, while cats may need The oldest needs to care every 6 months because they are more susceptible to dental disease.

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